About Me:



Through my blog, I share the unique stories of artists to inspire creativity and appreciation. As a student at the Milan Art Institute, I am strengthening my skills and developing my voice as an artist. My goal is to create beauty that helps heal hearts through sustainable, prophetic mixed media. I am committed to infusing my artwork with positivity and love, aiming to inspire others and drive constructive change. By pursuing my passions and following my heart, I strive to set an example for others. My artistic aspirations involve kindling joy, fostering personal growth, and uplifting the human spirit. My philosophy centers on honoring diversity, embracing freedom, and continuously seeking knowledge.

Core Values:

1. Authenticity: I strive to express my unique voice and perspectives genuinely, allowing my art to reflect my true self.

2. Creativity: I believe in the power of imagination and innovation to push the boundaries of artistic expression, constantly exploring new techniques and ideas.

3. Beauty: With a deep appreciation for aesthetics, I aim to create art that captivates the senses, capturing the inherent beauty in the world around us.

4. Meaning: I seek to infuse my art with depth and significance, aiming to provoke emotions, thoughts, and conversations that resonate with viewers.

5. Integrity: I approach my work with honesty, maintaining a strong sense of ethical responsibility towards both the art and its audience.

6. Growth: I am committed to lifelong learning and growth as an artist, continuously expanding my skills, knowledge, and perspectives.

7. Connection: Through my art, I aspire to foster connection and bridge gaps between individuals, cultures, and experiences, promoting understanding and empathy.


My Soul Urge Number is 33

Jellyfish Totem
Hybrid Technique

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