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Contemporary Canadian Artist Amy Shackleton: Exploring Urban-Nature Relationship Through Innovative Techniques


Amy Shackleton is a contemporary Canadian artist known for her innovative approach to painting. She stands out in the art world for her unique technique that eschews traditional brushes in favor of gravity and squeeze bottles. Born in 1986 in Ontario, Shackleton’s work is characterized by its vibrant, dynamic compositions that often explore themes of urbanization and nature.

Artist Statement

My paintings portray hypothetical futures that explore the relationship between nature and the city, simultaneously evoking optimism and concern. Drawing inspiration from my global travels, I merge imagery from multiple locations into a single scene, creating unexpected compositions. By integrating natural elements, such as trees, mountains, and bodies of water, with man-made structures, like skyscrapers, bridges, and highways, I invite viewers to contemplate the intricate ways in which the urban and natural worlds can coexist and interact.

My style is a fusion of contemporary drip painting and imaginative realism. I apply paint with squeeze bottles, manipulating the falling drips with water spritzers and by rotating the canvas. Natural forms emerge out of this organic paint application that mimics how gravity and rain erosion actually create environments. In contrast, my urban imagery is built with architectural precision. Dripping paint is used to create straight lines that are meticulously pre-planned using rulers and levels as tools.

Initially, I used highly saturated colours to express my optimism for a bright and colourful future. However, after having children, I became increasingly concerned about the world we’re leaving them. Although my colours remain vibrant, their meaning has evolved to signal alarm and urgency. Some of my work evokes feelings of unease, while other pieces envision a beautiful world where nature and humanity are working together. By depicting both of these potential futures I want people to stop and think about the relationship between nature and cities and its impact on us all.

My artwork portrays the harsh reality of the current state of our planet, depicting the devastating effects of burnt forests, floods, and melting glaciers. Yet, amidst this despair, I also strive to offer a glimpse of hope by imagining a future where humanity and nature can coexist in harmony. I believe that this is possible through innovative solutions like green building design, natural landscaping and renewable energy. By exploring the tension between utopian and apocalyptic visions, I hope to inspire people to take action and do what they can to create a more sustainable world for ourselves and future generations.

-Amy Shackleton

Have you ever considered the intricate relationship between nature and the urban landscape, and how they might coexist in the future? Share your thoughts.

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