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The Art Technique: “Alla Prima”

Art Word Of the Day

Alla Prima

Translated from Italian as “at first attempt,” is a painting technique where the work is completed in one sitting, capturing the essence of the subject with spontaneity and vitality.

Woman with a Parasol, Facing Left, 1886 – by Claude Monet

The Roots

Alla Prima can be traced back to the Impressionist movement of the 19th century, particularly championed by artists such as Claude Monet and Edgar Degas. Dissatisfied with the rigidity of academic painting and its emphasis on meticulous detail, these artists sought to capture the fleeting effects of light and atmosphere with quick, spontaneous brushwork. Alla Prima emerged as a natural consequence of this desire for immediacy and directness in artistic expression.

Dancers Pink and Green -Edgar Degas

The Core

Alla Prima is characterized by its speed, spontaneity, and myriad of brushwork. Unlike traditional painting methods that involve layering and glazing, Alla Prima requires artists to work swiftly and decisively, completing a painting in just one session. This immediacy lends a sense of energy, movement and capturing the essence of the moment in finished work of art

Whether you’re a seasoned, master, or novice as an artist embracing the Alla Prima technique can be beautiful, rewarding and may inspire new avenues for creative exploration and self-expression.

Technique Tips:

1. Preparation is Key– Begin with a clear vision of your subject and composition. Prepare your canvas with a toned ground to establish a base for your painting.

2. Simplify– Focus on capturing the essential elements of your subject rather than getting bogged down in intricate details. Simplify shapes and values to convey the essence of what you’re painting.

3. Bold Brushwork– Embrace bold, confident brushwork. Use a variety of brush strokes to convey texture, form, and movement. Experiment with different brush sizes and techniques to achieve a dynamic range of marks.

4. Stay Loose– Avoid getting too caught up in perfectionism. Embrace the spontaneity of Alla Prima by allowing for imperfections and happy accidents. Trust your instincts and let your intuition guide your brush.

5. Still Life– Working from life offers a unique opportunity to capture the immediacy of the moment. Set up a still life or paint en plein air to hone your observational skills and capture the nuances of light and color.

Alla Prima’s by NEISHA

( skill practice/ Milan Art Lesson/ still life/ limited color pallet/ complete within 2 hr.)

Wild Flowers

Awakening Time

Two Drums One Beat

Divine Essence Retained

As an art student practicing Alla Prima for the first time:the four oil paintings (above) each on a 12 X 9 Canvas with a neutral gray ground.

Embraced Challenges:

Choosing the subject and composition for still life that I was able to effectively capture as a novice in brushwork, color mixing, and composition. Confidently balancing between loose and detailed brush work to achieve a cohesive and expressive painting within a limited time frame.

    Acquired Insight:

    PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!!!! It is important to follow the rules and equally important to know when to break the rules. Obtain the use of positive affirmations to gain the confidence needed to succeed.

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    2 responses to “The Art Technique: “Alla Prima””

    1. I never cease to be surprised and impressed with your work as well as your knowledge of art. Please keep up the good work. It’s this kind of thing article and your blog in general that keeps art from becoming only available to the very rich or museums. How many works of art would never be without people like you who are not only talented but make the effort to keep the history of art alive. Thank you. I enjoyed reading that. It was very informative and I enjoyed it.

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