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Discover an Eco-Conscious Artist Dedicated to Crafting Art that Aligns with the Earth’s Natural Cycles

Sustainable Artist: Nicole Young


Nicole Young is an environmentally conscious artist who employs natural pigments to produce abstract art. Transitioning effortlessly between canvas pieces, expansive textile installations, garments, and delicate drawings, Nicole’s creations serve as both scientific explorations and discussions on approaches to climate justice.

“I believe that climate change is one of the most urgent topics of our time. We all live on the earth, and we all need it to survive, so what happens to the environment is and should be a concern for all of us. And there are so many different ways you can approach the topic through the lens of art.”

Nicole Young


By sourcing materials from recycled or foraged plants, Nicole Young epitomizes sustainability in her creations. A journey of experimentation and a spiritual connection with nature.

“Conceptually, I’m interested in the idea of working with the land rather than against it.”

Nicole Young


Nicole Young’s Copper Oxide Ink DIY Recipe

1. Collect around 1/2 cup of small copper pieces, such as copper scrubber pads or rings cut from copper pipe.

2. Place the copper in a large glass jar and cover it with 2 cups of white vinegar. Add one tablespoon of iodized salt.

3. Leave the jar uncovered in a well-ventilated area, away from pets and children, stirring the contents twice daily.

4. The color change should occur within 1-3 weeks. If any liquid evaporates, replenish with more vinegar to keep the copper submerged.

5. Once the desired color is achieved, strain out the copper pieces and transfer the liquid into a clean glass jar. For smoother ink, filter it again through a coffee filter.

6. Wear rubber gloves and work in a well-ventilated area. Avoid reusing kitchen tools for ink-making purposes and keep dye equipment separate from cooking utensils. Ensure the ink is kept out of reach of children and pets.

Follow nicoleyoungart on Instagram

What creative ways have you found to incorporate sustainability and environmental consciousness into your art? Share your experiences and ideas!

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