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A Love Poem That Will Melt Your Heart

Photo by Stefan Stefancik on Pexels.com

Love At First Smile

From the instant our paths crossed, you ignited a passionate flame within my heart.

Like a radiant beacon amidst a world draped in darkness, you emerged like a bright star, illuminating my journey.

With great care and patient guidance, you became my steadfast protector.

Each stolen glance and gentle caress unveiled a love beyond any I had ever known.

Your poetic words, etched into my heart and sung in my ears, taking away all fears.

From the start, it was your captivating smile that became my constant source of newfound delight.

With your presence, I was graced with a present, a sense of belonging, and a home, so I was not alone.


Photo by Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas on Pexels.com
Daily writing prompt
Share five things you’re good at.

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