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Kunzite Meaning: Healing Properties & Everyday Uses


Kunzite is exactly what I need in my life in the moment. Thank you, TinyRituals -NM

Burnt Ashes

“Kunzite is a glassy stone that is naturally pale pink in color. It can also be found in colorless form and in lilac and yellowish green varieties. It forms in a naturally flat shape with vertical striations. The colorless version is also known as Spodumene. The pink style of Kunzite associated with the meaning of love and devotion.”

Throat Chakra Pack
  • “Kunzite is an incredible cleanser of negative energy.”
  • “Kunzite is one of the most calming stones imaginable.”
  • “Kunzite also connects to the crown chakra, our gateway to the higher plains of the universe and our source of spirituality. When our heart and crown chakras are open, we prime ourselves into becoming a ripe vessel for all the magic, divine light, and guidance the world has to bestow upon us.”
  • “It swoops right in and cleans house, ensuring that the cobwebs of mistrust and bad memories are swept away and you are left with a space that you feel is safe and sound for nurturing your own emotional and spiritual growth.”
  • “Kunzite is a heart chakra connector.”
  • “Kunzite works her magic on the whole circulatory system, keeping the breath in beautiful flow and ensuring the heart muscles are warm and strong. Along with uplifting the heart, Kunzite is also a great stone to have on side for those who are going through puberty.”
  • “circulatory matters. As a body healer,  Thanks to those strong feminine vibes, this stone helps with symptoms of PMS and reduces reproductive centric problems. Kunzite also brings its soft and healing vibes to help ease migraines and recover from the signs of physical stress.”
  • “It’s a stone known for being incredibly effective at clearing emotional blockages, especially when it comes to the heart. Anyone who is struggling to adjust to changes in life or those who are suffering the blow of a new separation or any situation that has caused them to become stuck in low vibrations,.”

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