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One Tarot Card Serendipitous

Soul Card Tarot

Intuitively I pulled a card to share today using Soul Cards tarot deck Created by psychic medium Kristine Fredheim. https://soulcardstarot.com/ My intentions is to positively guide individuals along there personal spiritual journey with the card being a mirror of the soul.  You may use the card as a tool for meditation and  introspection. A way to connect with your inner voice and experience your true essence. Blessings xo. -NM

Soul Cards Tarot


The Sun

The Sun Illuminates and radiates life to all things. It is the light of the world (God is light). 
This powerful card resonates positivity, growth and success. The Sun energy represents a time of joy and abundance in your life. A sign that you are on the right path. Remain positive and do not not give up because good things are coming your way. You are attracting what you desire. Keep up the good work and bask in the warmth of the sun rays!

Astrology The Sun

In astrology the Sun represents your conscious self. What you outwardly project and how others perceive you. The dazzling Sun personifies your ego personality and also represents your souls divine plan.  The Sun is strong and powerful in the celestial jungle ruling the proud and royal zodiac sign Leo the lion.

Numerology #19

The number 19 in ancient knowledge of numerology it holds a paradox energy of a beginning and a end. It’s not just holds the start of a new with number 1, but also holds the energy of completion with number 9.  The number 19 is a transformative composition that embodies self-determination with a thirst for exploration, attracting fierce independence.  The dynamic number 19 also symbolizes a noble humanitarianism that inspires us to be more tolerant and compassionate towards others.  Creating righteous balance and harmony.

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