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Human Essence/ Human Being/ “Spiritual” World/ Formless World

The Essence of a Human Being

The archetype of essence is the higher self. Hidden beyond the physical world yet alive in the spiritual world.  Spirituality is a part of the human foundation. Four attributes that make the human foundation are spirit, emotion, mind, and body. All must be strengthened and balanced for optimal growth and development.   Foundation is the basis of the human being. With the base secured, leveled, and strong the whole self or holy self is revealed, along with the meaning of our experiences.

As Above   

So Below

The universal law of correspondence is set and unchanging. No one individual is exempt from this decree. The physical and spiritual worlds are directly corresponding. A mirror of each other. The spiritual is above and the physical is below. Recognizing and acknowledging this principle is key to the success of our pursuit of happiness. The transformation we seek. The reawakening and the meaning of our experience.

The Process of Self Creation

The higher self does not need to remain a mystery. The higher mental,  emotional, and physical are distinct functions with unique parts in the transmutation of the energies within the lower self. In these three levels of consciousness experience of the formless, timeless, spiritual world resides meaning. This world is already in existence before the creation of anything else. Being and the primal cause of our existence. The act of merging these two worlds is what we must practice to experience it. New ways of “seeing” is crucial for emergence. Gratefully we do not have to become holy our being is already holy. This power is in us. -NM

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