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Your Eyes/ A poem for your valentine/ Poet Craig

Your Eyes

Your eyes have me mesmerized. I see in them the bluest skies and the greenest ocean so deep and vast and sometimes gray and storming until the
upset has passed. I see pools of wonder so deep with magical delight. I see an innocent little girl adorned in pure light. I see a playful flirt alive with each moment. And I see a careful study breaking down each component. I see a hopeful heart that believes in true love. I see a girl inside whose worth is far above. I see the child of the universe still awed by magical things. And I see the warrior in your spirit with all the strength it brings. I see the lover in the fire that burns bright behind your eyes. And the life that fuels your heart that could not be broken or compromised. I see the spirit of your will build your life with work. And I see a cute little nerdy girl with all the cutest quirks. I see your heart that needs to be held and cherished more than life itself. I see the rarest of jewels in front of me worth all of the world’s wealth. I see an amazingly strong-willed woman with a purpose in her eyes and heart. And I knew I loved this amazing creature right from the very start.

-Craig Carlson

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