
2dye4neisha’s Sustainable Fashion Agenda


Sustainable fashion is a scientific, data-driven movement that aims to make sure that our clothes are manufactured, sold, and used in the most sustainable way possible. The movement aims to achieve a fashion industry that’s built on equality, social justice, animal welfare, and ecological integrity.

  1. Ethical fashion focuses on human and animal rights 
  2. Circular fashion consists of manufacturing practices such as recycling and regeneration
  3. Slow fashion represents the opposite pole of “fast-fashion” and aims to reduce consumption and production 
  4. Fashion Industry Issues:
    • Throw Away Fashion
    • Unethical Practices
    • High Carbon Footprint
    • Animal Cruelty
    • Discrimination
  5. 2dye4 believe it’s important to be part of the solution to these issues and not part of the problem.
  6. Earth is our home and mother. A living organism who gives us all we need to survive and grow. I am grateful and have no problem doing my part to take care of her. We our all one with each other and nature. Helping and giving to another is giving yourself true happiness and joy.
  7. We contribute towards sustainable fashion through having no dead stock or over stock. We utilize POD partners such as Printful who prioritize the importance of sustainability and weave it through everything they do. Choosing like minded businesses, artisans and employees like Printful multiplies our ability to fix the issues.
  8. We use Organic cotton and hemp textiles. We have products with recycled plastics. Use left over scraps from other projects. Upcycle old worn out styles in to new wearable fashion. I like using organic home made dyes and enjoy being innovative and finding better ways to do things with healthier procedures.
  9. Fundraising to help programs like One Girl in educating younger generations of healthy practices as long with leading by example.
  10. These are just examples of some things we do. As we learn and grow our practices will get stronger and our carbon footprint will get lower. We our open minded flexible and always willing to do our part to heal humanity and earth. We go with the flow of love.

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