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Brigit Esselmont: Empowering Individuals with Tarot as a Modern Intuitive Tool

Brigit Esselmont

Founder of Biddy Tarot

Brigit Helps You Trust Your Intuition, Access Your Inner Power, And Bring The Divine Into Your Every Day Life, Using Tarot As A Guide.


“I’m on a mission to bring Tarot out of the closet 

and into the mainstream, as a modern,

 intuitive tool for purpose-driven people who are 

ready to live life at their fullest potential.” Brigit

Tarot is the mirror to your soul.

Biddy Tarot

Brigit’s dedication to making tarot mainstream is truly admirable. She immerses herself in the journey and remains an unwavering source of support, compassion, and understanding. Recognizing that each person is unique, Brigit tailors her teaching techniques to suit the needs of diversity. Brigit’s approach seeks to transform individuals by shifting the locus of control from external forces to their own hands, fostering a sense of personal growth and empowerment by using tarot as a guide.

How do feel about tarot? Are you a tarot reader? Feel free to share your insight. Thank You!

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